iPECS cloud

Vertical iPECS Cloud System Devices

In today’s digital world full of teleworking, vertical iPECS cloud systems can help you connect people all over the world, ensuring your business has a reliable line of communication regardless of where your employees or customers are located.

Using a vertical iPECS cloud system gives you the flexibility you need for optimal business communications. These systems have the power to turn mobile or desktop devices into phone systems, without affecting your business’s contact numbers or operations.

Because the iPECS cloud is fluid and flexible, there are many different iPECS cloud-compatible device you can use. These devices can help you access greater functionality from your communication system, as well as help your business operate smarter and more efficiently.

5 iPECS Cloud Compatible Devices 

iPECS cloud systems include a wide range of endpoints and applications. You can use these iPECS to access all of the typical features you’d enjoy from an on-premise phone system, except that they’re delivered through the cloud.

To help you make the most of your iPECS system, here are five iPECS cloud-compatible devices you can use.

1. iPECS Handsets 

The right handsets are a valuable addition to any iPECS system. These handsets let you control and operate the phone system as if it were a traditional on-premise phone.

When choosing a handset, it’s important to understand the different options available and what kind of protocol they need to use. This is because not all handsets work with every iPECS system.

Different providers and protocols include ELG IP phones (LIP), H.323, and SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). These systems all use different telephony protocols, so they all require unique devices.

iPECS cloud

SIP is a protocol that is used for data and voice, while H.323 is used for voice and video. H.323 protocol uses less bandwidth and offers a legacy experience. SIP phones use a standardized protocol for VoIP communications.

Whatever system you use, you’ll need to align it with an iPECS handset that works with that specific protocol.


DSS (Direct Station Select) and LSS (LCD Station Select) are useful phone system features for offices and call centers. These systems let you press a single button on the phone, which then dials an extension or transfers a call to a dedicated phone line.

This feature of traditional phone systems is available to iPECS cloud systems by using a DSS console. The console will display the different lines and extensions on the phone system, which then allows you to choose what destination you want to transfer the call to.

DSS and LSS systems are typically only used for larger businesses or busy offices that rely on multiple lines of communication that run between different departments.

3. Local Survivability 

Local survivability is a unique feature of VoIP systems. This function can assist you with processing calls from a remote location even if there is no connection between your location and the primary network.

This can happen if the connection with the centralized call control system is lost.

Using local survivability helps your phone lines stay connected through any kind of event or disruption – such as a power or network outage.

iPECS cloud

This is important for making sure businesses can continue to communicate properly through any kind of event. It’s also important if the business uses multiple branches or remote points of communication, as each local area will remain connected.

To apply local survivability to your iPECS system, you’ll need to use a local call processing device, like a backup call controller, a survivable branch appliance, or a local gateway.

4. TDM Trunk G/W 

A TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) trunk is a useful device for connecting phone systems or networks together. This can help you establish a more organized iPECS cloud system – especially if this system spans multiple locations.

If you use SIP trunks or VoIP systems then you won’t need to apply a TDM trunk, as this newer technology replaces the use of a TDM. TDM trunks are often seen in legacy systems, or setups where incorporating newer technologies don’t necessarily make sense.

A TDM trunk is a circuit that helps you transmit multiple voice or data channels over one physical connection. This is a useful iPECS cloud system device if you need to connect your phone system to different networks, or if you need to connect different business locations into a single network.

If your business uses a PBX (Private Branch Exchange), then you’ll most likely want to use a TDM trunk to connect this to the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network).

If your business uses multiple PBXs, then you can also use a TDM trunk to connect these different systems.

iPECS cloud

5. TDM Ext G/W 

If your business does use a TDM trunk, then it might also need to use a TDM extension. This depends on how the TDM trunk connects to your iPECS network.

TDM extensions are phone lines that connect to a PBX using a TDM trunk. These extensions transmit the voice signal over a physical circuit that is assigned to the specific extension. When the voice signal reaches the PBX system at the other end of the circuit, the circuit demultiplexes the signal and separates out the individual extensions. This routes the call to the right destination.

Just like a TDM trunk, TDM extensions are typically only used in legacy systems. This is because modern phone systems use virtual extensions, which means that the extension is connected to a physical circuit.

The extension is routed over different communication channels, like cellular networks, IP networks, or other digital channels.

So, you will only need to use a TDM extension device if your iPECS cloud system uses a TDM trunk and involves physical lines.


When setting up an iPECS cloud system for communications, it’s helpful to understand what different devices you can use with the system. This can help you access greater functionality and flexibility from the system.

Of course, you also need to know what type of network protocols the system uses and understand how the network is established. This will help you find the right devices to work with your system.

If you’re looking to establish your iPECS cloud system with the right devices, then get in touch with our expert technicians at Stellar Communications to help you establish the best devices required for your network.

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