cloud based fax services

How Can Cloud Based Fax Services Benefit Your Business

Although it may sound old-fashioned, fax systems still play an important role in business operations today. However, traditional fax systems are very rare, rather, they are being replaced by more modern cloud-based fax services.

Cloud-based fax services offer many advantages to business communications. They provide a safe, efficient, and affordable way of transferring documents. By using cloud-based systems, faxing can be brought into our modern digital world.

In this guide, we’ll cover what these systems are, and why using a cloud-based fax service can be advantageous to your business.

What Are Cloud-Based Fax Services? 

Cloud-based fax services are digital solutions that allow you to send and receive faxes via the internet, instead of using a fax machine. Your business won’t need any hardware or software to create and accept fax messages, as this is all done through the cloud. This means no need for standalone fax machines or on-premise fax servers.

Traditional fax systems can be quite complex, as they involve telephone lines and significant IT support. By using a cloud-based system for faxes, creating a fax infrastructure becomes a lot easier and more efficient.

While internet faxing is often confused with email, the two systems have some major differences. Most notably, you can’t send an email to a fax machine.

Even though new internet technologies have developed greatly over the last few years, faxes still play an important role in the infrastructure of many modern businesses. And by using cloud-based fax services, businesses can utilize the advantages of fax in the most up-to-date way possible.

cloud based fax services

Benefits Of Cloud-Based Fax Services 

Although you don’t see faxes very often these days, it’s actually a very powerful form of technology. Fax is a highly secure method of transferring information. It’s also an incredibly easy way to share documents – when used correctly.

To access the full benefits of fax in today’s digital landscape, you’ll need to implement cloud-based fax services. Here are some of the main benefits.

Simplifies The Fax Environment 

Creating a traditional fax infrastructure can get complicated. You need to set up complex hardware, incorporate telephony connections, use the right fax software, and run this all through a fax server. With cloud-based fax services, you eliminate all of this.

Cloud-based fax services offer all the capabilities of using an on-site fax server, but without any of the hassle. This means setting up fax networks, and scaling these networks with your business growth, becomes a lot easier.

Improves Performance 

Cloud-based fax services can handle greater demands a lot more easily. The service should automatically scale to match your fax volume needs. This means you can avoid busy signals or bottlenecks, regardless of how much your fax volume increases.

Cheaper To Implement 

Forget about investing in a bulky fax machine, or setting up expensive on-premises fax networks. By utilizing cloud-based fax services, you can access a complex fax system at a much more affordable rate. This opens up the world of fax to smaller businesses.

Use It Anywhere 

Traditional fax systems are restricted by location. With cloud-based fax services, you can send and receive faxes from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection.

cloud based fax services  

This makes it a convenient solution for our modern world, where remote and hybrid work has become the new norm. It also makes it a lot more convenient to use fax if your business moves offices, or if you’re out of the office but still need to access key information.

Improved Security 

Cloud-based fax services offer far better data protection compared to traditional fax machines. This is because these fax services can protect data at rest and in transit. Cloud-based systems let you put multiple security protocols in place, making transferring and receiving valuable data safer.

Improves Collaboration And Functionality 

You can do a lot more with cloud-based fax systems. For example, these systems could extend to other platforms you’re using, like email. You can also integrate cloud-based fax systems with other back-end applications and your ERP. This opens up the possibility of automation using fax.

You can also access cloud-based fax services from any device, anywhere. All of this adds together to create fax systems that improve team collaboration and enhance the functionality of traditional fax systems.

Fax Online Documents 

Offices these days are a lot more paperless than they were in the past. With cloud-based faxing, you don’t need to feed physical paper copies into the fax machine. Instead, you can simply fax digital documents online.

This makes it easier to fax the documents you’re working on. It also helps you fax a wider range of document types and formats.

cloud based fax services

Improves Productivity 

Using cloud-based faxing makes processes a lot more efficient. You can eliminate obstructions like junk faxes, dealing with paperwork, or refilling ink cartridges. This can boost your overall productivity.

Safer Document Storage 

Cloud-based faxing doesn’t only make it safer to send and receive faxes, but it also makes it a lot safer to store your fax documents.

In the past, you would have to file your documents manually. This could increase the chance of losing documents or giving people in the workspace access to certain documents.

With cloud-based fax systems, you get far greater control over how your documents are stored and accessed. Cloud-based systems also automatically back up your documents so there’s no risk of losing important information that was sent via fax.


Using the right cloud-based fax services makes faxing a whole lot easier. Once your business taps into the power of fax, you’ll see just how much value it can add for communications and sharing documents.

Stellar Communications offers modern cloud-based fax services for businesses of all sizes. Get in touch if you’d like our expert technicians to help you establish a cloud-based fax network to make full use of this reliable communication method.

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